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Florian Jeßberger, Über den Zustand und die Zukunft des Völkerstrafrechts, in: E. Hoven & M. Kubiciel (Hrsg.), Zukunftsperspektiven des Strafrechts, Nomos, Baden Baden 2020.


Florian Jeßberger & Aziz Epik. Immunität für Völkerrechtsverbrechen vor staatlichen Gerichten – zugleich Besprechung BGH, Urt. v. 28. Januar 2021 – 3 StR 564/19, Juristischen Rundschau 2022, 10.


On 21. and 22 June, 2021, the international workshop "International Criminal Justice – A Counter-Hegemonic Project?" will take place.


In the context of the Humboldt International Criminal Law Discussion Group, several guest lectures will take place in the summer semester 2021.


Neil Boister, Sabine Gless & Florian Jeßberger (eds.), Histories of Transnational Criminal Law, Oxford University Press, 2021 (forthcoming).


G. Werle & F. Jeßberger, Das Strafgesetz, Geltungsbereich (§§ 3-10), in: G. Cirener et al. (ed.), Leipziger Kommentar, Großkommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch, Erster Band, De Gruyter, 13th ed. 2020.


Florian Jeßberger & Julia Geneuss (eds.), Why Punish Perpetrators of Mass Atrocities? Purposes of Punishment in International Criminal Law, Cambridge University Press, 2020.


Gerhard Werle & Florian Jeßberger, Principles of International Criminal Law, 4th edn., Oxford University Press, 2020.


Roundtable about „Marginalized Perspectives on International Criminal Law” i.a. with Prof. Miles Jackson (University of Oxford), Prof. Claudia Cardenas (Universität Chile), Prof. John-Mark Iyi (University of the Western Cape), Prof. Valeria Vegh Weis (Universität Buenos Aires) and Wolfgang Kaleck (ECCHR).


Florian Jeßberger & Tobias Beinder, review of Skinner (ed.), Ideology and the Criminal Law. Fascist, National Socialist and Authoritarian Regimes (Hart, 2019), in: Quaderni Fiorentini per la Storia del Pensiero Giuridico Moderno 49 (2020), 571.


On November 3, 2020, Prof. Jeßberger will speak at the Berlin Science Week event "Remembering, Researching, Reappraising: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Coming to Terms with the Past 25 Years after Srebrenica".