Discussion Group

Forthcoming events

5. November 2024 | Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos (University of Göttingen), Völker(straf)recht und Staatsräson

27. November 2024 | Dr. Annegret Hartig (Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression): Kampala 2.0 – Aggressionsverbrechen und IStGH 

11. Dezember 2024 (online) | Brenda Nanyunja (Amnesty International): Thomas Kwoyelo on Trial and International Criminal Law in Uganda 

8. Januar 2025 | Eugenia Valenzuela (International Criminal Court): Complementarity and Civil Society at the ICC

29. Januar 2025 | Prof. Dr. Volker Nerlich (International Criminal Court): Hybride Strafgerichte und IStGH

Discussion Group

The Instiute hosts the Humboldt International Criminal Law Discussion Group, which on a regular basis invites academics and practitioners from Germany and abroad to present their research or to discuss current issues relating to their work. The group comprises the members of the Institute as well as professors, researchers and doctoral students of the Berlin universities and members of other Berlin-based institutions.

Senior member: Prof. Dr. Florian Jeßberger

Convenors (winter semester 2024/2025):
Leon Trampe

During the semester, the discussion group meets on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and – until further notice – in a hybrid format.

Previous events

3. Juni 2024 | Kathryne Bomberger und Andreas Kleiser (International Commission on Missing Persons, The Hague): Missing Persons in Armed Conflicts

5. Juni (online) | Prof. Ben Saul DPhil (University of Sydney; UN Special Rapporteur): Counterterrorism and Human Rights 

19. Juni 2024 | Dr. Sebastian Trautmann (Delegierter Europäischer Staatsanwalt, Köln): Drei Jahre Europäische Staatsanwaltschaft: Bilanz und Perspektiven

3. Juli 2024 | Dr. Jara Streuer (Universität Münster): Feminizid und Völkerstrafrecht

11. Juli 2024 | Prof. Julian Roberts Ph.D (University of Oxford): Sentencing Repeat Offenders: Comparative Perspectives

12. Juli 2024 (12-14 h, online) | Prof. Dr. Hajer Gueldich (African Union Commission): The Malabo Protocol and the African Court of Justice and Human Rights: 10 Years After

21. Februar 2024 | Sarah Imani (ECCHR): Perspektiven dekolonialer Rechtspraxis

31. Januar 2024 | Prof. Dr. Dmytro Koval (Kiev): Accountability for Atrocities in Ukraine

24. Januar 2024 | Judge Kimberly Prost (ICC): Proceedings Before International Criminal Courts – Reflections of a Trial Judge

13. Dezember 2023 | Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kemp (Univ. of the West of England, Bristol): Prosecuting Apartheid

8. November 2023 | Prof. Dr. Valeria Vegh Weis (Buenos Aires/Konstanz): Lawfare: The criminalization of Democratic Politics in the Global South

12. Juli 2023 | Dr. Michael Greßmann (BMJ): Aktuelle Überlegungen zur Reform des VStGB

28. Juni 2023 | Prof. Dr. Martin Heger (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Globales Umweltstrafrecht und Nachhaltigkeit

24. Mai 2023 | Prof. Neil Boister, PhD (University of Canterbury, Neuseeland): Conscription and the Crime of Aggression

3. Mai 2023 | Prof. Carola Lingaas, PhD (VID Specialized University, Norwegen): The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law

8. Februar 2023 | Prof. Dr. Mohammad Haroon Mutasem, LL.M. (UW) (Universität Kabul, Afghanistan): War Crimes and Afghanistan

8. Februar 2023 | Prof. Dr. Mohammad Haroon Mutasem, LL.M. (UW) (Kabul University, Afghanistan): War Crimes and Afghanistan

18. Januar 2023 | Dr. Rotem Giladi (University of Roehampton, UK): Decolonising International Humanitarian Law – The Other History of the Laws of War?

30. November 2022 | Dr. Marlen Vesper-Gräske, LL.M. (NYU) (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer): Human Rights Compliance – A Field Report

9. November 2022 | Prof. Dr. Chantal Meloni (University of Milan, Italy): Towards an Italien ‘Völkerstrafgesetzbuch’

13. Juli 2022 | Prof. Jaqueline Ross (Illinois College of Law, USA): “Verdeckte Ermittlungen – Vergleichende Perspektiven” [“Undercover Investigations – Comparative Perspectives”]

29. Juni 2022 | Prof. Dr. Alexa Koenig (UC Berkeley School of Law, USA): “Open Source Investigations and International Criminal Law”

15. Juni 2022 | Faisal Siddiqi (Karachi, Pakistan): “Strategic Litigation in Human Rights and Criminal Law”

8. Juni 2022 | Judge Prof. Dr. Bertram Schmitt (International Criminal Court): “Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof nach 20 Jahren – Auf der Suche nach einem einheitlichen Verfahren” [“The International Criminal Court after 20 Years – In Search of a Uniform Procedure”]

16. Februar 2022 | Prof. Dr. Helmut Satzger (LMU München): “Klimastrafrecht und Ökozid” [“Climate Criminal Law and Ecocide”]

26. Januar 2022 | Michael Kratz and Dr. Jan Nemitz (Auswärtiges Amt [Federal Foreign Office]): “Von der 20. Sitzung der Vertragsstaatenversammlung des IStGH (2021)” [“From the 20th Session of the Assembly of States Parties to the ICC (2021)”]

15. Dezember 2021 | Prof. Dr. Itamar Mann (University of Haifa): “The Palestine ICC Investigation and the One State Reality”

1. Dezember 2021 | Prof. Dr. Mia Swart (University of the Witwatersrand): “On the War Crime of Destruction of a City”

2. Juni 2021 | O-Gon Kwon (Judge and former Vice-President ICTY; former President, Assembly of States Parties ICC): “Reflections on the Past and Present of International Criminal Law

26. Mai 2021 | Kate Gibson (Association of Defence Lawyers before International Criminal Courts): Defence Lawyers as Human Rights Warriors

19. Mai 2021 | Prof. Dr. Christine Schwöbel-Patel (University of Warwick): “Marketing Global Justice – The Political Economy of International Criminal Law”.

28. April 2021 | Ezequiel Heffes (Geneva Call): “Talking About International Humanitarian Law with Non State Armed Groups”.

14. April 2021 | Prof. Dr. Mark A. Drumbl (Washington & Lee University): “Tragic Perpetrators and Imperfect Victims: Ongwen at the ICC”.

24. Februar 2021 | Dr. Antonio Coco (University of Exeter): „Mistake of Law in International Criminal Law”.

27. Januar 2021  | Prof. Dr. Valeria Vegh Weis (Universidad de Buenos Aires; AvH-Fellow FU Berlin): „Transition and Punishment in Argentina“.

9. Dezember 2020 | Prof. Stephen Thaman (St. Louis University): „The Presumption of Innocence and the Reversion of Aquittals: Comparative Reflections“.

25. November 2020 | Dr. Paolo Caroli (Universitá di Trento; AvH-Fellow HU Berlin): „Transitional Justice in Italy“.